
Skoshi's full name in miss-translated Japanese is "Sukoshi yami".  In English: "a little darkness" due to her evil ways as a puppy.  She was not well socialized in her litter and did not like being handled or held.  Especially being held.  As she grew, she earned some new nicknames, most deserving was "Princess Needle Teeth".  Every day was a new injury to my mangled arms and a constant battle to get her to accept being handled.  Then, one day we were doing a dominance/acceptance drill and I had her on her back.  She was snapping away like a piranha and suddenly, it just clicked. She froze and looked up at me and just quit.  It took almost eight months (and some very weird discussions with my doctors about "self harm") to get there. She stopped being a little heathen and over the next few weeks became a gentle and affectionate hairy chunk of velcro.  Having raised several Akita's, it was a stunning transformation I'd never seen before.

As I build this page, I'll tell Skoshi's story and of!